
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My New Favorite On-line Toy - Have fun playing!

Okay, this is seriously addictive. It's an interactive color wheel. I found one a few years ago and went looking for it today, but couldn't find the one I remember. No matter. This is just as good, if not better. It's very fun!

Color Scheme Designer 3

I was looking to show Theresa that the colors of her wedding are not weird. They're beautiful together.

See, T...

Below are some more links to other fun color wheel sites:

Quiltopia Color Wheel
Sessions Color Calculator (You have to click on the orange bar to get there.)
Create Color Schemes


Color Expert iphone app (This looked interesting. I know nothing about phone apps, but looked like it could come in handy if you did. It does cost money.)

Interactive Color Wheel (Watch out - this one sucks CPU usage and it's really only good for grabbing the HTML code of a particular shade.)


  1. You are quite a busy scrapper! Love the designs. Glad I found your blog. Can I add it to my blog? Love ya. Sof

  2. Hi Sof,

    How are you? I read your blog regularly and love hearing about what you're up to. I am so happy you guys seem to be doing so well.

    You're more than welcome to list my blog anywhere you like.
